Kellogg/Kroc Undergraduate Research Grants in USA 2011/2012

The Kellogg and Kroc Institutes announce a Research Grants Program for undergraduate students at Notre Dame during the summer. The grants are intended for juniors whose interests include a clear international dimension preferably related to the Kellogg Institute’s themes. Several grants of up to $5,000* each will be awarded for research abroad or, if demonstrably appropriate, in the United States. Applicants are required to notify the Kellogg Institute of any funding received from another source. If duplicate funding is received, the Institute may adjust the award.

*In exceptional, justifiable cases, the Kellogg Institute may increase this amount.

Kellogg/Kroc Undergraduate Research GrantsEligibility

Students must be in their junior year of studies at Notre Dame and be in good academic standing. They must have the endorsement and pledge of supervision from a faculty member. Freshman and sophomores seeking to do research in Africa, Asia or Latin America should see Experiencing the World Fellowships. (EXCEPTION: Sophomores in the International ScholarsProgram may apply for a research grant through this program.)

Recipients will be expected to submit a report, approved by the supervising faculty, no later than September 1 of the award year.
Thematic Priorities

The Kellogg Institute’s research reflects commitments to democracy, development, and social justice, and focuses on five priority themes.

1.Democratization and the quality of democracy.
2.Growth and development.
3.Religion and Society.
4.Social movements and organized civil society.
5.Public policies for social justice.

To learn more, see Kellogg’s research agenda.

Any publication of the student’s work resulting from this grant must include an appropriate acknowledgment of the Undergraduate Research GrantsProgram. Although no one form is required, we recommend the following:

This [research, et al.] is made possible in part by support from the Undergraduate Research Grants Program of the Kellogg Institute for International Studies and the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, University of Notre Dame.
Human Research Subjects

Any project that involves the use of human subjects must be approved by the Human Subjects Institutional Review Board. For details of the procedure, please contact Dr. Tracey Poston, Director of Compliance, Office of Research, 511 Main Building. Committee approval must be completed or pending for theprogram to accept a proposal, and no award will be made to a project involving human subjects without the approval of the University Committee on the Protection of Human Subjects.
Deadline: Monday, February 28, 2011


For questions about the program, please contact Holly Rivers ( at 631-6023
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