Post-doc, modelling terrestrial biogeochemcial cycles

We seek a post-doctoral research fellow in biogeochemical cycles modeling, topics include the dynamic interactions of climate change on carbon and water balance and productivity in semi-dry regions, or modeling biogenic trace gas emissions. The work contributes to the EU Projects ClimAfrica and PEGASOS, as well as other ongoing projects. The work is carried out at the division of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Analysis at the Department of Earth and Ecosytem Sciences, Lund University, Sweden. The researcher will be responsible for adapting and applying the dynamic global vegetation model framework LPJ-GUESS and to evaluate model output against a range of observations.


* Ph.D. degree (or equivalent) in a quantitative environmental sciences discipline, for instance meteorology, Environmental physics, or Environmental biology. Applications from candidates who are close to completion of their PhD degree will also be considered

* Expertise with process-based mathematical modelling of environmental processes and skills in handling large, gridded input (e.g., different land use or climate input) and output fields

* Programming skills (e.g., C++, Fortran; GIS skills are not sufficient)

* Ability to meet firm deadlines, willingness to communicate research
results and to interact within an international research environment.

We welcome candidates with enthusiasm for collaboration within a multidisciplinary team, as well as an aptness to pose and solve problems individually. The work involves extensive international collaboration and the candidate must be willing to travel. Excellent written and spoken English is a requirement.

Deadline for applicaiton is 20 November 2010. Online form can be found at

Application Deadline : 20 November 2010
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